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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Muallaf movie comments


           Convert is a film directed by Yasmin Ahmad Malaysia produced in 2008. The film tells how three individuals who seek peace of mind  through  religion. This is the fifth film by Yasmin Ahmad.

            Far from the public fancy, Muallaf not tell someone who converted to  Islam. In fact, Yasmin himself admitted that he used that term to characterize  a man who was originally  a Christian  sect of  the Catholic  faith  against  the religion  disappeared  after  being humiliated by his father (who is a follower of a strong Catholic) and feelings of the mother, and then return to his mother after approaching  two people are Muslims  who can say a little unusual and knowledge about Islam.


            As with the previous films, beginning with verse impressions Convert Bismillahirahmanirrahim (In the Name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful). What's different this time is that the text is written in Chinese, which 奉 大仁 大慈 真主 的 尊 名 (Pinyin: Feng Zhen ci da da ren Zhǔ de Zun Ming). It is understood that the text will be displayed in the Tamil language in the next movie, Talentime.

            As the film works both, Sepet, Convert first aired in Singapore. The film was screened at Singapore's premier arts cinema, The Picturehouse, for 4 weeks from 27 November to 24 December 2008, with ticket sales that far exceeded the performance of Sepet.

  • Why Muslim women actors in the story did not characterize this as a Muslim. for example, uncovered, shaking the non-Unmarried.  
  • what is the real motive of the film  actress  in the  balding  hair?.
  • the actor other country do not play the religion with which you play right.

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