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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Disadvantages of Facebook

            Social networks have many advantages including meeting new people and finding old friends. However, is this new and upcoming social network, Facebook, too friendly and too addicting? Are these technologically advanced forms of communicating slowly hurting society's social skills?

           The obvious disadvantage of Facebook is the availability of your personal profile on the Internet for many people to see.  For example, in Sarah Schweitzer’s article “Universities Ponder Facebook Etiquette”, a student explains how word of what was on her Facebook profile reached her Grandmother who did not appreciate the content very much.  Of course, you have complete control over what the content of your profile is. 

           However, many people do not think about the type of information they make available and many times people will put too much information, leaving them quite vulnerable.  In addition, to the control that you have over your content, the website is completely restricted to college students, which adds much needed security so that not every “Joe Somebody” can have access to everyone’s information.

           The more important disadvantage of Facebook is the effect it has on the people that use it, especially the frequent users.  In “The Death of Interaction”, Conor Boyland, a sophomore at UC Santa Barbara, explains both the best feature and the biggest drawback of Facebook; “online directories like Facebook make it possible to find out quite a lot about a person without ever speaking to them”.  This feature that Facebook provides lets people avoid the essential part of getting to know someone, talking to them.  Because of this, and that fact that almost all users spend way too much time on the Facebook or just the computer in general, is why Facebook greatly affecting the frequent users social skills. 

          Social skills are very important in the world we live in.  Being able to hold conversations and relate to other people helps people not only in their business lives but also in their daily lives.  With the creation of, first, instant messenger and now Facebook, the young generation is beginning to become more dependent on these technologically based ways of communicating.  

         Yes, Facebook makes it easier to meet people, which as everyone knows, is the most difficult part of starting a relationship, but these people using Facebook are becoming addicted and dependent upon this social network.  These addicts are using Facebook as another excuse, upon the many, as a reason why they are constantly hunched over their computers.  If these people continue to constantly use these social networks as their primary means of communicating, their social skills will slowly diminish and their daily lives will be drastically altered.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Muallaf movie comments


           Convert is a film directed by Yasmin Ahmad Malaysia produced in 2008. The film tells how three individuals who seek peace of mind  through  religion. This is the fifth film by Yasmin Ahmad.

            Far from the public fancy, Muallaf not tell someone who converted to  Islam. In fact, Yasmin himself admitted that he used that term to characterize  a man who was originally  a Christian  sect of  the Catholic  faith  against  the religion  disappeared  after  being humiliated by his father (who is a follower of a strong Catholic) and feelings of the mother, and then return to his mother after approaching  two people are Muslims  who can say a little unusual and knowledge about Islam.


            As with the previous films, beginning with verse impressions Convert Bismillahirahmanirrahim (In the Name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful). What's different this time is that the text is written in Chinese, which 奉 大仁 大慈 真主 的 尊 名 (Pinyin: Feng Zhen ci da da ren Zhǔ de Zun Ming). It is understood that the text will be displayed in the Tamil language in the next movie, Talentime.

            As the film works both, Sepet, Convert first aired in Singapore. The film was screened at Singapore's premier arts cinema, The Picturehouse, for 4 weeks from 27 November to 24 December 2008, with ticket sales that far exceeded the performance of Sepet.

  • Why Muslim women actors in the story did not characterize this as a Muslim. for example, uncovered, shaking the non-Unmarried.  
  • what is the real motive of the film  actress  in the  balding  hair?.
  • the actor other country do not play the religion with which you play right.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Superstition in asia

In Malaysia there are many cases of the magic, santau, worship and so on da beam. the government is also trying to reduce this problem. Even the government of Malaysia to establish aktar black magic for the cases of witchcraft can be reduced.
Among the problems as in the case of the beam. in which these events usually occur on the individual vulnerability of such a person is experiencing stress or despair she would sit alone in the room. at a time when these spirits or the spirits would possess the individual. Individual circumstances of the beam is like a person who is unconscious. And he will be acting beyond his control. Among other examples, if there are individuals who wish to enter the forest or to other less populated people should keep the conversation and behavior such as this where a lot of spirits. In the area are also likely to represent where they live.
Santau is usually done by a person who incurred the jealousy of other people for various reasons including employment, promotion, and other property. Santau sent by two or more ways such as through the delivery of food and spirits or creatures of the master spirits of the person he wants to dedicate it. Santau is said to be more serious than those possessed.
Magic is an Ilmi that can be learned for the crime. This knowledge usually takes himself as distancing ourselves to God Almighty. Among examples of this knowledge to make fuel oil loving chin. This oil is said to be taken from the baby's body and burned his chin up out of oil.
Mortuary cult. This action was done by no legs. tail where they adore the old cemetery to get no. the best for them to gamble.
In conclusion, all of the above matter involving spirits or spirits. We as Muslims should never associate God with a superstitious thing or Tahyol. In Malaysia, most broadcast TV drama senyiaran stories about spirits or ledih known as ghost stories with this cause many small children are so afraid of ghosts.